Tuesday 1 July 2008

Young Peoples View: ALDI

Question: Do you think the council are right to make the old swimming pool into an Aldi?
As youths do you think that Bristol city council were right to knock down the old Henbury swimming baths and decide to make a new Aldi?
Answer: “Because all the youths hardly have anywhere to hang about and they are worried about the crime.
And yet they are rapidly knocking down all the places to go for youths of which then is increasing the amount of crime committed on Crow Lane. Now I am not saying that it is all youths because it is not but at the end of the day some youths are going out and doing vandalism and shoplifting etc on shops because they are bored and surely you as youths are fed up of going out with mates and having no where to go. Isn’t it about time the council started to build something where we could hang about. If you would like to share your opinion with me please email talenkennedy@hotmail.co.uk
Thank you.”
By Talen Kennedy (13 years old)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We do not need another food store in Henbury! Crow lane provides adequate shopping with Iceland, Co-op, veg shop, newsagent etc.,

A store opposite a school doesn't make sense - it will be a nightmare with extra traffic!