Thursday 15 March 2012

Henbury School visits Massindi school in Uganda

On the 11th of February myself, Bethany Dent and Miss Davis went to Uganda in Africa to visit our partner school Massindi Secondary School. It took 8 hours to get there but it was worth every minute.

I had to raise the money to go myself and I did this through fundraising events. I held a fete in Brentry Scout hut amongst other things.

Uganda was amazing I had a great time. The school was so inviting and nice. The students appreciated everything they had and worked really hard. The classes were all silent and in some classes there were one hundred and twenty students. It was nice to see how the money that we raise is used. It made me see that everything we do in school to raise money is worth it. The money we send doesn’t go on stupid things it goes to things they need such as a new Science lab . When we were visiting the building of this new lab was in progress. Everyone was excited. It was nice to see Sandra, Jackson and Kaseem the students and teacher who came down in November.

I am going to be bag packing in Asda on a number of Saturdays to help raise even more money for our partner school. Please come and say hi and have a chat about my trip away. I enjoy talking about it.”

Kayley Husher, Henbury School

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