Thursday 15 March 2012

Producing this newsletter...

“As part of their BTEC Creative Media course; Danielle, Tania, Rhianna, Luke, Paige, Charlotte, Louise, Amanda and Jo have all worked extremely hard to produce this edition. They began the project by looking at all components of a newsletter and then worked on design and layout. They have met with and interviewed various members of the community and co-ordinated incoming requests for articles. They have also been editing and proof-reading before finalising the newsletter you are reading now!

Much thanks goes to Marianna, who has worked with the group to help them understand how to successfully put together a professional newsletter.

Thank you, also, to Henbury School who have funded producing the newsletter – it has been a fantastic opportunity and experience for all involved.”

Miss White, Teacher of English and BTEC Media- Henbury School.

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