Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Henbury school children create community brand!

Friday, 4 June 2010.

Henbury School pupils Kane Davies, 12, and Josh Small, 12, with teacher and parent Kelly Mahoney, 32, have created a colourful brand for a community programme to help young people unlock their talents.

Their bold design, BS10 Big It Up!, was one of five created by schoolchildren, teachers, and parents at an Inspiration Lab and community BBQ. Their creative efforts were supported by designers from Uscreates, a London- based social design agency.

Sue Tunstall, of Bristol City Council, said: “It looks great, and delivers on all the rules of marketing - simple, says only what it needs to, has high visual impact and is different to everything else that's around.”

All five brands were voted on by students, parents, teachers, young people and residents at community events, on a Facebook page, and on posters around Henbury and Brentry.

Kane and Josh's idea received 169 votes of the total of 302 cast, and once voting was over the boys got to work on turning the brand into a final image with a professional graphic designer from Uscreates.

The brand will soon be seen all over Henbury and Brentry at places and events such as Better Together's new Youth Forum, the Community Cook-Up (a weekly cookery club), and Vision My Future (films created by young people to explore future careers).

All these community projects are funded by Inspiring Communities, a government programme aiming to support communities to raise the aspirations and educational attainment of young people.

See all the photos from the Inspiration Lab and the final brand image on the Facebook page BS10 Big It Up!, or at www.bs10bigitup.com.


Uscreates is a social design agency working across the UK to help create stronger communities: http://www.uscreates.com

For more information on Inspiring Communties:


For further information please contact Alan Boyles, alan@uscreates.com or 07980634253.

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