Saturday, 1 March 2008

See it, Report it!

Henbury & Brentry are experiencing increased levels of crime and anti-social behaviour, particularly on Crow Lane. The Police need you to report any incidents, as insufficient evidence often prevents them from proceeding with prosecutions. There are many ways to report incidents, although witness statements are more likely to lead to positive outcomes. Please help your community and " REPORT IT".

  • Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111
  • Police (emergency only) - 999
  • Police (non-emergency) - 0845 4567000
  • PC Rachel Mann - 0117 9454383
  • PC Andy Stamp - 0117 9454374
  • Central contact (Avonmouth Station) - 0117 9454390
  • Bristol City Council Anti-Social Behaviour team (ASB) can be reported to the 'It's Your Call' hotline on 08456052222 or email

Incident reporting forms
Another way to report what you see is by using the incident reporting forms and post box, located in Henbury Library on Crow Lane. You can use this form to report any incident, which if necessary will be passed onto the Police, Bristol City Council, Social Services etc. The forms will be collected regularly by the local beat managers/PCSO.

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