Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Feedback from our last issue

“Further to the piece by Tim Parkinson on the proposed Aldi store in your last issue, I note that, on the one hand, it was said that "The proposed building would have a significant impact on the green area along Crow Lane. We need to ensure we enhance our green areas as they are a considerable value in our urban surroundings." and on the other hand, the Futures Group were then cited as resolving that "we should support the application but press for significant improvement in local transport in Brentry and Henbury funded by Aldi...." What has this to do with ensuring "we enhance our green areas?" Indeed, the intention to build on them is in direct opposition to such enhancement!
Further, whilst improvements in local transport would be welcomed, the advent of Aldi on this site would add to the already shambolic situation of traffic opposite the school (or anywhere else in Crow Lane) which is already destructive as many people park on the grass verges and create traffic difficulties. Similarly, ad hoc parking on yellow lines and, indeed, double parking is a regular feature of the Crow Lane area. Yet further influxes of traffic will only exacerbate the situation.
I am not averse to an Aldi store as such - but to locate it on a green site that, according to Tim Parkinson would "have a significant impact on the area" is nothing more than yet another act of corporate vandalism akin to the already problematical skateboard facility that is a scar on the otherwise lovely countryside.
When I have previously written to the Newsletter, I note that any line that does not agree with the factional interests expressed does not get printed. Why not? It would be far more productive to listen to local people rather than flout their views.”
- Chris Evans

It was certainly my understanding, and I hope that Tim will agree, that there is a compromise to be made by ensuring our green spaces are preserved as far as possible whilst fostering the proposed supermarket, and the transport challenges it will present. Certainly, the addition of an ALDI store in our area will be a big change, but hopefully a positive and forward-thinking one.

As ALDI are keen to open a store in Henbury, and as you rightly point out, we already have some transport problems along Crow Lane and other areas, this would seem a good opportunity to seek the funding from ALDI to help address them and those we anticipate in the future.

Lastly, I'm sorry that you feel we've cut short your opinions in the past and edited your contributions into something more objective. However, we cannot and will not guarantee that entire emails will be published, because we have limited space and other contributions to print. As for removing particular lines, it is not our intention to present something bland, in fact we welcome discussion from the community. Please have your say by emailing us at or by phone to Marianna on 0117 9507032 or 07913037199.

Special thanks go to all the volunteers and the organizations that without their help and support this newsletter cannot be prepared, produced and delivered.

We would like to take this opportunity to request for volunteers to support the newsletter delivery. Unfortunately due to lack of volunteers in the Station Road area the previous issue never got delivered. We apologize for that, but we do need people to help in this area. Please contact us if you can support.

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